Summer Camp 2024
January 2024
Dear MCB Members:
The Summer Camp Committee has completed the applications for our two weeks at Cobblestone. Our first week is June 3rd through June 9th and the second week will be July 29th through August 4th. Members cost will be $100.00 for adults age 18 and up. $90.00 for children ages 2 through 17. There is no charge for children under the age of two. This is the same as last year. For legally blind Missouri residents who are not members of MCB the cost for the week long and weekend sessions is doubled.
Check in time for the week- long session is after 3:00 p.m. on Monday, and check out time is 9:00 a.m. on the following Sunday morning.
There will also be an extended weekend from Thursday evening, through Sunday. This is a change from last year. You have the choice to do the extended weekend either during the week- long session June, 6th through 9th or August 1st through 4th. The extended weekend is being combined with one of the week-long sessions of camp. The cost for the weekend is $75.00. You would arrive after 3p.m. on Thursday and leave after breakfast at 9:00am on Sunday.
You may not attend both week sessions, but you can attend either the June or July session along with an extended week end.
We realize that some of you have never been to Cobblestone Lodge. It is a family resort where you will have three meals a day served family style, cabins equipped with heaters and air-conditioning and a wonderful staff who are dedicated to seeing that you have a great time during your summer vacation with them. There are activities planned and float trips on the river if you choose to participate. Most of all, it is a wonderful place to go and see old friends and meet new ones. We hope you will make plans to join us there.
It is important that the new Camp Guidelines are read carefully. This will answer many questions in advance. The application must be completed in full! This letter has been mailed to your president. If you need more just contact the MCB office. As usual, we are accepting applications on a first come, first serve basis; so please return them as soon as possible. Those attending in June either for the week or the extended weekend applications must be received not later than March 15th so that the committee can begin working on cabin placements. Applications for the Week of July 29th and the extended weekend must be received by May1st. Checks and money orders must be made payable to Missouri Council of the Blind. You may now pay by Pay Pal or credit card. This must go through the MCB office. Please do not send cash. Your application will be considered when the full payment has been received. Payment must accompany the applications.
You will notice that the Summer Camp Guidelines and Application are made available to download on the MCB website. If you wish to use this online application form to record your information, this is acceptable. However, each application must include a signature, and the check or money order must be included with it.
Cabin placement is not an easy task, but we will do our best to try to accommodate everyone. If you have special needs because of health problems, please indicate them on your application, and we will take this into consideration when placing you. Depending on the number of attendees, you may have to share a front porch, or even a cabin with separate rooms. The camp committee is sensitive of cabin placements.
Please be sure to read very carefully the information that is included with the application. Please indicate if you will be bringing a dog guide. This helps when assigning cabins and dining tables. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Beverly Kaskadden, (636)-561-6947, cell (636)-541-2503, or e-mail
If I do not answer, please leave a message, and I will return your call.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Cobblestone.
Beverly Kaskadden, Summer Camp Chairman
(636) 561-6947
Cell: 636-541-2503