MCB Board and Staff

The MCB Board of Directors generously donate their time and talents to guide MCB through their leadership on the board. Board members play a major role in determining what programs and services MCB provides.  MCB is an organization run by the members, for the members.

MCB Board of Directors

President – Gregg Hollins term 11-1-2024 to 10-31-2026

Vice President – Tracy Anderson term 11-1-2024 to 10-31-2026

Secretary – Robyn Wallen term 11-1-2024 to 10-31-2026

Treasurer – William Hawkins term 11-1-2023 to 10-31-2025
email: or

Public Relations – Debbie Platner, appointed to complete term to 10-31-2024

Director – Carl Chappell, appointed to complete term to 10-31-2026

Director – Anna Schell term 11-1-2023 to 10-31-2025

Director – Wanda Matlock term 11-1-2023 to 10-31-2025

Affiliate Reps:
Wilma Chestnut-House, Heritage
Sabrina Fowler-River City Workers
Roger Jewell-Tri-Lakes
James Lashley-Southest
Debbie Platner-SWMo Vision Connections
Kim Reece-4Rivers

Office & Staff

MCB maintains its administrative office in St. Louis, Missouri.  Feel free to contact the office with any questions or concerns you may have.

Applicable hours, addresses, and phone numbers are listed below.

Office Manager – TBD

Financial Manager – John Jordan

Business hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed on major holidays
5453 Chippewa Street
St. Louis, MO 63109